Celeb Oil, a new type of drink that makes women look attractive in many ways,
will offer an amazing promotional campaign at the booth, To enter, all you have to do is to take a photo of you posing with the brand’s mustache-themed product and tweet it on Twitter! Rina Tanaka will also make a surprise appearance at the booth! Maybe you can be one of those lucky fans to take a photo with her!?
标榜「只要喝了就会变美」的新商品「セレブ油」(CELEB ABURA)特设摊位里,进行精美礼物的抽奖活动。条件是必须使用商品主视觉的「胡子」来拍下可爱照片并投稿到Twitter即可参加抽奖。模特儿田中里奈将造访本摊位。只要时间允许的话,甚至还有可能和田中里奈合照留念。请大家务必注意!
標榜「只要喝了就會變美」的新商品「セレブ油」(CELEB ABURA)特設攤位裡,進行精美禮物的抽獎活動。條件是必須使用商品主視覺的「鬍子」來拍下可愛照片並投稿到Twitter即可參加抽獎。模特兒田中里奈將造訪本攤位。只要時間允許的話,甚至還有可能和田中里奈合照留念。請大家務必注意!